A Dream in The Land of Lore

Would someone please enlighten me,

is it all webs of fate or preconceived destiny?

Have I been here a time before…

Perhaps a dream in the land of lore?

Familiar but faint distant but near.

In the matrix of the mind we start,

each thought a flutter, a sacred art.

Testing the platform, step by slow step,

across the expanse where darkness has crept.

Inching closer to the unseen edge,

balancing life on passion’s ledge.

Peering over into the mysteries abyss,

where faith and fear coexist in a twist.

Reaching out in the cosmic dark,

craving the echo of a celestial spark.

Suddenly within the silent night,

emerges a spark, a flickering light.

A glimmer of truth, a beacon to chart,

a journey that whispers to each quiet heart.

A flicker that multiplies, then a grand spark,

illuminating the corners of the myriad dark.

United love unfolds, like a cosmic ace,

lending the world its projected grace.

Vibrating, echoing, it stretches wide,

A radiant energy cannot hide.

Expanding outward, infinite size,

Like dawning sun on morning skies.

In the infinite dark, a glorious prize,

A beacon for the spirit earth’s rise.

Would someone please enlighten me,

is it all webs of fate or preconceived destiny?

Have I been here a time before…

Perhaps a dream in the land of lore?

Familiar but faint distant but near,

Are the hauntings of past simply echoes so clear?

Across the veils of time that steer,

between reality and what we hold dear.

Beneath the starlight, the shadows leer,

in separate dimensions, yet the same sphere.

Are they merely reflections in time’s mirror,

or pearls of tangible wisdom that we’re intended to hear?

Could it be quantum entanglement through which we peer?

An astral waltz on the universe’s premier,

linking moments, intertwining souls grow near.

Can we make sense of the unseen fabric of what is unclear,

to see remnants of a future undiscovered, yet held dear.

Or perhaps fragments of some past life that we hear.

Is it the grand design of a cosmic engineer?

The flow of time, moving us to adhere,

To a pattern infinite and unbroken, a clear

symphony of existence, extending far and near.

Is it just coincidence, fate or a consciousness expanded under gilded veneer.

The answer may vary, as perspectives veer,

Unraveling truth, alchemy of the mystic’s sphere.

Would someone please enlighten me,

Is it all webs of fate or preconceived destiny?

Have I been here a time before…

Perhaps a dream in the land of lore?

Familiar but faint distant but near,

Or is it just a transient spectre of yesteryear?

Do past lives exist, is there reincarnation,

Or is this all but bewitching imagination?

Does life cycle in circles, in a rhythmic flow,

Or is it linear, ever forward do we go?

Do souls shuffle between the past and the present,

Or does time keep secrets, quiet and reticent?

Tales of lives lived, mysteries galore,

Those echoes from the land of yore.

Was I a king, a thief or a mighty sage,

Can we decipher from the mystical page?

Or perhaps a poet, with thoughts running wild,

Or even a simple farmer’s child?

Are these visions but a trick of the mind,

Or shreds of reality, yet to unwind?

Out of reach, in the depths of the soul,

Does the past play a subconscious role?

Revealing dusty memories, in nightly whisper,

In dreams do they crystalline becoming crisper?

Upon this journey to the heart’s very core,

Are these just dreams from the land of lore?

Is it truly fate’s intricate web we’re in,

Or destiny sculpting each loss and win?

Is our future an untouched, open plain,

Or etched in the stars, in an incontrovertible chain?

These answers, elusive, elude our understanding,

In cosmic riddles, questions expanding.

Would someone please enlighten me,

Is it all webs of fate or preconceived destiny?

Have I been here a time before?

Perhaps a dream in the land of lore?

The chase goes on, the quest is clear,

In this labyrinth of time, distant yet near.

Nurturing light, a hope held close,

In corners where despair may almost encroach.

With every pulse, in sacred space,

Becomes a dance, a divine embrace.

Bearing resiliency of human race,

A testament to our soul’s unyielding chase.

The dance of life continues untamed,

Every rise and fall intricately framed.

Awakening echoes of cosmic chords,

Strings attached to celestial boards.

Behold, the spirit earth evolution’s rise,

A testament to truth that never dies.

Whispers carried on the cosmic breeze,

Tales of where we’ve been, moments we’ve yet to seize.

Embrace the dance, with love and light,

Even in the face of darkest night.

In our hearts, we hold the key,

To infinite love, to truly be free.

Witness the beauty, witness the pain,

Every loss, a profound gain.

The universe whispers, in echoes round,

A symphony of life in purest sound.

The healing message, profound and clear,

In each moment spent, in every tear.

A journey loved, a journey walked,

In silent whispers, in truths talked.

The path may be arduous, long and winding,

But within and without love is ever binding.

Celebrate in unity, spirit earth evolves,

And in every challenge, the soul resolves.

Healing not simply a moment’s strive,

But rather the essence of being alive.

In every step, every reach in the dark,

Love’s profound signature leaves its mark.

In stories lived, in dreams we weave,

In testing the platform, I truly believe.

So gaze into the cosmic face,

Witness love in its glorious grace.

A spiritual journey, an eternal drive,

This, the platform of being alive.

Testing, healing, perfect, free,

In every moment, infinity.

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